Global warming solutions
Week 3

Placed by David Vázquez García 2018/Nov/7
Escola La Ginesta
Europe Spain

Global warming solutions
Week 3

Placed by David Vázquez García 2018/Nov/7
Escola La Ginesta
Europe Spain

How the weather has changed during the last centuries
Week 2

Placed by David Vázquez García 2018/Nov/7
Escola La Ginesta
Europe Spain

Week 3
Week 3

Placed by Linette Bakovasili 2018/Nov/7

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Our actions
Week 4

Placed by Betina Astride 2018/Nov/1
EB Vale de Figueira
Europe Portugal

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What have we learnt?
Week 4

Placed by Rita Zurrapa 2018/Nov/1

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