climate action week1
Week 1

Placed by Marija Vujkovic Stanesic 2019/Oct/8
Nasa Radost
Europe Serbia

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Week 1

Placed by Zeynep Ceren Çiftsüren 2019/Oct/8

Week 3 project
Week 3

Placed by Marie-Hélène Fasquel 2019/Oct/8
Lycée Raoul Dautry
Europe France

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Tasks for week 2
Week 2

Placed by Marie-Hélène Fasquel 2019/Oct/8
Lycée Raoul Dautry
Europe France

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Causes of the CLIMATE CHANGE
Week 1

Placed by Josefina Vendrell Vila 2019/Oct/7

Climate Change week 1
Week 1

Placed by Nenad Temunović 2019/Oct/7

Our findings about what causes global warming
Week 1

Placed by Victoria Semeniuk 2019/Oct/7
School 8
Europe Ukraine
