Climate Change
Week 1

Placed by Fernanda Moreira 2020/Oct/4

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Causes for climate change
Week 1

Placed by Elena Cojocaru 2020/Oct/4

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Climate change-definition and causes
Week 1

Placed by Lacramioara Fira 2020/Oct/4

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The climate change - week 1
Week 1

Placed by Dana Marinela Arustei 2020/Oct/4

What is the definition of climate change and What are the causes of it?
Week 1

Placed by Daniela Latu 2020/Oct/4

Schimbările climatice și încălzirea globală- proiect SOS Natura
Week 1

Placed by Orășanu Daniela 2020/Oct/4
School No.7 Botoșani
Europe Romania
