week 1, Climate action project..Cause
Week 1

Placed by ELENA BOLOGAN 2020/Oct/10

URL to Video on OneDrive

Week 2: Effects of Climate Change.
Week 2

Placed by Aliona Șveț 2020/Oct/10

URL to Video on OneDrive

As Alterações Climáticas - Todos por um Mundo Melhor
Week 2

Placed by Maria Manuela Abreu Pereira 2020/Oct/10

URL to Video on OneDrive

As Alterações Climáticas - Todos por um Mundo Melhor
Week 1

Placed by Maria Manuela Abreu Pereira 2020/Oct/10

URL to Video on OneDrive

Climate Action Project 2020
Week 2

Placed by Cristina Tomescu 2020/Oct/10

Log in to show Presentation file

Cauze și efecte ale schimbarilor climatice
Week 2

Placed by Lavinia Crăciun 2020/Oct/10

URL to Video on OneDrive

The results of climate changes
Week 2

Placed by Marina Panico 2020/Oct/10
