Effect of climate change in Srem
Week 2

Placed by Sonja Tucaković 2020/Oct/11

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No pollution
Week 2

Placed by Claudia Daniela Onița 2020/Oct/11

Our beautiful world
Week 1

Placed by Claudia Daniela Onița 2020/Oct/11

Primary School Kocho Racin Ohrid, Week 1
Week 1

Placed by Tatjana Loshkoska 2020/Oct/10

URL to Video on OneDrive

Week 1: Kocho Racin - Ohrid, Climate Action Project
Week 1

Placed by Silvana Krsteska 2020/Oct/10

URL to Video on OneDrive

Another inspired week 2
Week 2

Placed by Lucia Horozov 2020/Oct/10
LT "Ion Creanga"
Europe Moldova

URL to Video on OneDrive
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