Solutions for climate change
Week 4

Placed by Anisa Ndini Anisa Ndini 2020/Oct/16
"Flatrat e dijes"
Europe Albania

URL to Video on OneDrive

Zoom meeting with other participants
Week 3

Placed by Alina Elena Bârdahan 2020/Oct/16

Personal Precautions to Prevent Climate Change
Week 4

Placed by Tulin Koyuncu 2020/Oct/16

Collaboration with amazing students from India!
Week 3

Placed by Kristina Cernei 2020/Oct/16

URL to Document

the impact of climate change
Week 3

Placed by Tulin Koyuncu 2020/Oct/16

An introduction to climate change
Week 1

Placed by Monika Khan 2020/Oct/16

URL to Document

Week 4

Placed by Cristina Bal 2020/Oct/16

Log in to show Presentation file

3 Week Task
Week 3

Placed by Jovana Sisojevic 2020/Oct/16
PPU "Igraliste"
Europe Serbia

URL to Video on OneDrive
