Videoconferences and comics
Week 3

Placed by Iwona Kowalik 2020/Oct/18

URL to Document

Effects of Climate Change in Romania
Week 3

Placed by Camelia Dochie 2020/Oct/18

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Virtual exchanges, harmful effects of household chemichals, learn what is a recyclable packaging
Week 3

Placed by Marija Radicevic 2020/Oct/18
PU "Vini Pu"
Europe Serbia

Climate Actions
Week 6

Placed by Virginia - Silvia Hadade 2020/Oct/18

What are causes and effects globally?
Week 3

Placed by Burcu Aslan 2020/Oct/18
Lüleburgaz Lisesi
Europe Turkey

Haideți cu toții să avem grijă de Terra!
Week 5

Placed by Virginia - Silvia Hadade 2020/Oct/18

Poluarea -efect nedorit
Week 3

Placed by Marcela Trifan 2020/Oct/18

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Planting Trees
Week 2

Placed by Cornelia Frai 2020/Oct/18
