Week 2
Week 2

Placed by Ecaterina Timofti 2021/Oct/10
Gimnaziul nr.7
Europe Moldova

URL to Document

The plan of activities to increase the awareness of school society
Week 2

Placed by Agnieszka B 2021/Oct/10
Kolegium Europejskie
Europe Poland

First meeting and brainstorming
Week 1

Placed by Agnieszka B 2021/Oct/10
Kolegium Europejskie
Europe Poland

Masquerade 2021 ~ Маскенбал 2021
Week 2

Placed by Jelena Ilić 2021/Oct/10

What we have learned so far
Week 3

Placed by Rita Seabra 2021/Oct/10

URL to Video on OneDrive

The Effects of Climate Change
Week 2

Placed by Nihal Köroğlu Çevik 2021/Oct/10
