Effects of climate change (Awareness campaign)
Week 2

Placed by Menese International School 2019/Oct/22

URL to Video on OneDrive
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Week 3

Placed by Hajer Mhamdi 2019/Oct/20

causes of climate change locally and globally
Week 1

Placed by Ibrahim Inusa 2019/Oct/19
University of Maiduguri
Africa Nigeria

URL to Video on OneDrive
URL to Document

Using Merge Cube
Week 2

Placed by nevine Asfour 2019/Oct/18

URL to Document

USE Minecraft
Week 3

Placed by nevine Asfour 2019/Oct/18

URL to Document
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Al-Falah Taza Talks on consequences of Global Warming
Week 2

Placed by Khalil Zakari 2019/Oct/15

Al-Falah Taza Talks on consequences of Global Warming
Week 2

Placed by Khalil Zakari 2019/Oct/15

Th effects of climate change
Week 2

Placed by Kabiru Ibrahim Mansaray 2019/Oct/14
