Clontuskert Galway Ireland Week 2 Submission
Week 2

Placed by Kate Murray 2017/Oct/19


This week the students of Clontuskert are investigating how Climate Change affects us in Galway and Ireland. Students explored the following questions:

1. What are the causes and effects of climate change in Galway/Ireland?

2. What natural disasters have recently happened in Ireland that have been caused by climate change?

3. Have there been more severe weather events in the last century in Ireland/Galway?

4. Are there any initiatives in Ireland to help stop Climate Change?


Brainstorming during Climate Action Project in Clontuskert
Brainstorming during Climate Action Project in Clontuskert
Clontuskert Ireland at Microsoft DreamSpace
Images by Kate Murray 2020-10-19Murray
Images by Kate Murray 2021-10-21Murray