Climate Action Project
Week 1

Placed by Jazmín Susana Álvarez Fernández 2020/Oct/5
Prepa Anáhuac. Campus Maddox
South America Mexico
Naucalpan, Estado de México


In this project we are interested in generating strategies and arguments that demonstrate the need to introduce local citizen participation mechanisms to face climate change. This initiative can start from the school by organizing a pedagogical day aimed at students of public education in basic education levels.

This environmental problem contains such a diversity of elements and approaches that it is necessary to integrate all forms of knowledge in order to propose coherent and effective solutions in which different social actors participate such as: the community, the school, experts and private institutions.

It should be noted that we cannot wait for the government to solve everything since in emerging countries like Mexico, climate change is not always a priority.


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Images by Jazmín Susana Álvarez Fernández 2020-10-04Álvarez Fernández
Images by Jazmín Susana Álvarez Fernández 2020-10-30Álvarez Fernández