Co-teacher: teacher of arabic language in the primary school - France
EDUCATION : - 2020 - till present: Master Didactique des langues étrangères et secondes à l'université Paris 8- France - 2014 – 2017 : licence fondamental in education sciences – institut supèrieur de l’education et la formation continue – TUNIS - 2002 – 2004 : diploma of the end studies in high school of teacher’s training. Institut supérieur de formation des maitres à sousse . 30 June 2004. - 1993 – 2002 : baccalaureate – Notes : Good – Bac economy & manageme


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School: Ecole élémentaire Louis Aragon Pantin 100 students are involved The average age of the students: 6 to 12 السنة