zeb zeb.husain@bh.edu.pk

Co-teacher: Saniya
Reduce, reuse, and recycle. Cut down on what you throw away. ... Volunteer. Volunteer for cleanups in your community. ... Educate. ... Conserve water. ... Choose sustainable. ... Shop wisely. ... Use long-lasting light bulbs. ... Plant a tree.


Follow me on Twitter: Twitter

School: Beaconhouse CKG ll Clifton 25 students are involved The average age of the students: 7 onwards 年

Projects 2022

Climate change .

Climate change is a long-term change in the average weather patterns that have come to define Earth's local, regional and global climates. These changes have a broad range of observed effects that are synonymous with the term.

Heat waves

The outbreak comes as Pakistan faces a serious water crisis and an early onset heat wave that the Pakistan Meteorological Department said has been persistent across the nation since the start of the month.

Heat waves

The outbreak comes as Pakistan faces a serious water crisis and an early onset heat wave that the Pakistan Meteorological Department said has been persistent across the nation since the start of the month.

Heat waves

With rapid population growth and urbanization, Pakistan is facing the worst air quality for many years. Air pollution and climate change result from same sources i.e., fossil fuel burning, industrial processes, transport and agriculture activities.

Factors that Influence the Climate of Pakistan

  • Monsoon.
  • Relief rainfall.
  • Tropical cyclones.


Images by zeb zeb.husain@bh.edu.pk 2022-10-11zeb.husain@bh.edu.pk
Images by zeb zeb.husain@bh.edu.pk 2022-10-16zeb.husain@bh.edu.pk
Images by zeb zeb.husain@bh.edu.pk 2022-10-16zeb.husain@bh.edu.pk
Images by zeb zeb.husain@bh.edu.pk 2022-10-18zeb.husain@bh.edu.pk