Local and global effects of climate changes
Week 3

Placed by Zorica Janković 2021/Oct/21
OŠ "23. oktobar"
Europe Serbia
Sremski Karlovci


We did some research about global warming: it is the name for the increasing the average temperature of the earth's atmosphere and oceans. Heating of the climate system is unequivocal and primarily caused by increasing concentracion of greenhouse gases.

Some local effects of climate changes are: 

  • poorer air quality,
  • poorer water sources,
  • poor land,
  • potential disease and infection among wildlife

Some global effects of climate changes are: 

  • sea ​​level rise due to rising temperatures and melting glaciers, leading to the extinction of animal species living in these habitats

  • the disappearance of the land affects the weakening of many states and leads to the destruction of the living world on earth

In Serbia, there has been a significant increase in air temperature recently, which affects the occurrence of drought. Also, due to the uneven distribution of precipitation, floods occur. Climate change and impacts are seen in hydrology, forestry and agriculture.

The greenhouse effect is the way in which the sun's energy is retained in the earth's atmosphere. Because of this, the earth remains warm and life on it is possible. The growth of industry and agriculture leads to the emission of a larger amount of energy that remains in the "greenhouse" and thus leads to global warming, which results in the melting of mountain glaciers and the Greenland Green Belt.




Images by Zorica Janković 2021-10-05Janković
Images by Zorica Janković 2021-10-21Janković
Images by Zorica Janković 2021-10-25Janković