The Effects of climate change
Week 2

Placed by dana almoalami 2020/Oct/10
Asia Saudi Arabia

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climate change
Week 1

Placed by dana almoalami 2020/Oct/10
Asia Saudi Arabia

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جيل الهمه نحو القمة شراكة مجتمعية مع المدارس والمجتمع لنشر ثقافة الحد من تغيرات المناخ واقترح حلول للمشاكل والاثار الصادرة منه
Week 2

Placed by Hanan Mohammed Alghamdi 2020/Oct/9
9 Elementary
Asia Saudi Arabia

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مشروع التغير المناخي
Week 1

Placed by Hanan Mohammed Alghamdi 2020/Oct/9
9 Elementary
Asia Saudi Arabia

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ماهي تأثيرات التغير المناخي
Week 2

Placed by Areej Abdullah Alghamdi 2020/Oct/5
high school 13
Asia Saudi Arabia

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ماهي اسباب التغير المناخي
Week 1

Placed by Areej Abdullah Alghamdi 2020/Oct/5
high school 13
Asia Saudi Arabia

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Climate and change
Week 1

Placed by muna bazara 2020/Sep/30
high school25
Asia Saudi Arabia

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