
Causes of Climate Change (What is Climate Change? What causes Climate Change?)
Week 1

Placed by Ana Vasconcelos 2022/Oct/15

URL to Video on OneDrive

Environmental Issues - Week 3
Week 3

Placed by Carla Freitas 2022/Oct/14

Soluções mudanças climáticas
Week 4

Placed by José Moreno 2022/Oct/14

Log in to show Presentation file

LixArte Exhibition
Week 3

Placed by Lúcia Tardão 2022/Oct/13

URL to Document

Creation of videos on weather effects
Week 2

Placed by Liliana Isabel Ruivo 2022/Oct/13

URL to Document

What are the efffects of climate change on our planet?
Week 3

Placed by Dina Rodrigues 2022/Oct/12

URL to Document

The effects of climate change locally
Week 2

Placed by Dina Rodrigues 2022/Oct/12

URL to Document
