Harekete Geçiyoruz
Week 6

Placed by Arzu Yiğit 2022/Nov/8

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Interaction with Lebanon and Japan
Week 5

Placed by Runa Chatterjee 2022/Nov/8

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Пути решения проблемы глобального изменения климата
Week 6

Placed by Баян Биримкулова 2022/Nov/8

Climate Actions
Week 6

Placed by Vicky Sharma 2022/Nov/8

URL to Video on OneDrive
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Harekete geçmek: hükümeti çağırın, bir mektup gönderin, basınla iletişime geçin
Week 6

Placed by Tuğba Cebiroğlu 2022/Nov/8

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