Causes and effects globally
Week 3

Placed by Marija Juric 2021/Oct/11


The main cause of planetary pollution is human activity, reckless exploitation of natural resources caused by the race for profit and unreasonable production of waste, especially plastics. Plastic as the number one problem.


Images by Marija Juric 2020-09-30Juric
Images by Marija Juric 2021-10-11Juric
Images by Marija Juric 2021-10-17Juric
Images by Marija Juric 2021-10-17Juric
Images by Marija Juric 2021-10-24Juric
Images by Marija Juric 2021-10-24Juric
Images by Marija Juric 2021-10-24Juric